Horigen breast pumps

Horigen breast pumps offer mothers a reliable and efficient way to collect precious breast milk easily, effortlessly and wirelessly. Discover Horigen's innovative breast pumps, carefully designed to offer users the best possible breastfeeding and breast milk collection experience. Choose Horigen and give yourself the freedom and comfort you deserve on your journey to motherhood.

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  • Horigen bottle 180ml and cap

    Horigen bottle 180ml and cap

    14,90 €

  • Horigen Bottle brush

    Horigen Bottle brush

    9,90 €

  • Horigen Electric breast pump - Double Handsfree Easemore Horigen Electric breast pump - Double Handsfree Easemore

    Horigen Electric breast pump - Double Handsfree Easemore

    245,00 €

  • Horigen 2nd Gen Single - wearable breast pump Horigen 2nd Gen Single - wearable breast pump

    Horigen 2nd Gen Single - wearable breast pump

    149,00 €

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  • Horigen Single - wearable breast pump, rosa Horigen Single - wearable breast pump, rosa

    Horigen Single - wearable breast pump, rosa

    129,00 €

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