• 6 days before pregnancy test | CLEAR CHOICE
Pregnancytest MIDSTREAM

6 days before pregnancy test | CLEAR CHOICE

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Price: 12,90 1290
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The Clear Choice Absolutely Easy Test is a sensitive and fast pregnancy test. You can take the test up to 6 days before your period.
The Clear Choice Absolutely Easy Test is a sensitive and fast pregnancy test. You can take the test up to 6 days before your period (i.e., 5 days before the expected start date of your period). The test can be done at any time of the day, but the first urine in the morning contains the most HCG.

How is the test done?
Open the pregnancy test kit, open the protective bag and take out the pregnancy test. Pull open the pink cover of the pregnancy test. Keep the opening absorbent part of the pregnancy test in the urine shower for 10 seconds or take a urine sample in a clean and dry container and keep the suction part of the test in the urine for 10 seconds. Put the pink cap back on for the pregnancy test. Wait for the result. Depending on the amount of HCG, a positive result can be detected in as little as 40 seconds. It takes 5 minutes to detect a negative result. Do not read the results after 10 minutes.

How do I read a test result on the screen?
Positive result: 2 lines. Negative result: 1 line.